Here are some pics from our last week in Corpus Christi. We put in at the Padre Island National Seashore and ran down the inter-coastal to an area called the Landcut.
The tide was ripping through the cut because of offshore tropical storms, but we were still able to get out and find some fish. They weren't as concentrated as they have been in years past because of the unusual high waters, but casting to tails and wakes was the reward that came from our marathon wades.
The redfish we found in shallow water were spooky, yet they were more than willing to gobble down a spoon or shrimp fly when put in front of them, and I even caught a handful of black drum on the fly.
We fished until it seemed that another wade might be our last, and then we would retire to the shade of a pier, make a rum drink, and watch the sun edge towards the western rim of the cut.
It’s funny how all it takes is one rum drink to revive you and remind you that you’re sitting on your butt with your fly rod laying beside you while big spotted tails are rising and vanishing on the flats around you!
Thanks for the pics and the report, William, and congrats on some great redfishing! You know, next trip, if you need a bartender, I can mix a mean rum drink! Just saying....