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Beaver Lake - May 14, 2009
Justin Ferguson reminded us that there's plenty to do after the whites slide back down to the lake. Conditions have been perfect for schooling fish early and late and even sometimes during the day. Justin and his buddy have been wearing them out before and after work. This is one of several stripers they've landed in the past week. What we don't have a photo of is the one that broke him off on 20-pound tippet!
Bull Shoals Tailwater - May 7, 2009
There's a very fat 18.5-inch rainbow behind all those hands.One of our customers had his sons in town this past week and wanted to get them hooked on fly fishing, so we headed over to Bull Shoals. Thursday afternoon we waded Wildcat Shoals in two units of water and worked on casting and technique (and caught some fish). Friday morning we fished below the dam (in the rain) in 2-3 units and caught some nice piggies drifting nymphs, particularly the Guide's Choice Hare's Ear. I'm pretty sure Aaron and Jim caught the fly fishing bug, and hopefully they'll start sticking...
Twin Bridges Area - April 23, 2009
The white bass are running full force, and we've also had several reports of hybrids and stripers showing up, so make sure you use a stout tippet and tie your knots well! It won't last long, so get out as soon and as often as you can!
Twin Bridges Area - March 13, 2009
Before this latest cold snap, we were starting to catch decent numbers of whites, so once the water temperature warms back up after this weekend, the whites should really start running! Also, be prepared for anything—you never know what you might hook during the white bass run!Dave Whitlock with a nice walleye he hooked while fishing for white bass at Twin Bridges!Michael with a ten-pound striper he somehow landed (got lucky) while white bass fishing with his Scott X2s six-weight rod and eight-pound Rio Max Plus tippet!
Twin Bridges Area - February 28, 2009
On Thursday, just before this latest cold snap, my brother and I headed out to Twin Bridges to see if we could find any white bass. We launched the boat, and fished from the mouth of Richland Creek all the way past Walker’s Bluff downstream, and while we didn’t hook a bunch of fish, we did manage to boat fourteen whities! Most were small juveniles, but three were in the one- to two-pound range. With the warmer temps predicted for the middle of next week, it won’t be long now! There are definitely fish in the area, and once the...