Category_Saltwater -

Puerto Rico - August 11, 2009

Our buddy Matt Bruton just got back from Puerto Rico, and he sent us this pic and report.

Matt with a nice 70+ pound tarpon!

On the south west end of the island there are some huge, expansive flats that back up into some mangrove bays. I hired a guide one day and told him I would like to try to catch a tarpon on a fly rod. He asked, "Just one?" He took me to a back bay and proceeded to show me tarpon after tarpon after tarpon. I caught three and jumped eight. I only had a ten weight expecting only babies. I broke some off that weighed over a hundred pounds. Oh well! This one in the pic is about seventy pounds. I saw more tarpon in one day than I have all the other days put together.

Congrats, Matt, on an awesome fish! My only question is: When are WE going back?! Michael

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