Louisiana Coast
To say that my recent trip to New Orleans was awesome would be an understatement. Between the great people, incredible food, and spectacular fishing, there isn't much more to ask for in a fishing trip. Redfish are, and probably will always be one of my favorite fish to pursue, and if you haven't had the opportunity to see a big bull red hammer your fly like it's an intruder in their living room, you have to go check it out.
The conditions this trip were tough, there is no getting past that. Because of all the recent rainstorms blowing through the midwest, the Mississippi River was dumping a ton of muddy water into the marsh, making visibility difficult. Add a good 20 mph wind into the equation, and it can be a little discouraging for us fly fishermen. Mike Treloar, who is an awesome outfitter in Montana on rivers like the Madision and Missouri, spends his first few months of the year in the Louisiana marsh guiding for redfish. He had a few tricks up his sleeve and we managed to be able to fish some clean(er) water and find plenty of fish to keep us smiling all the way home.
Even the crabs eat flies, crab flies at that.
I guess I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but if you have any questions, swing by the shop and we can point you in the right direction and have you casting at these bruisers in no time!