Two buddies and I headed out to the White after learning there would be a little low water. Early in the day we figured their eyes would be looking up with all of the caddis hatches that had been coming off, so we started by swinging soft hackles. Unreal fishing! Got some action nearly every cast! I caught a pretty nice brown early on a partridge and green soft hackle.
About mid morning there was a little more action on top, so we switched to an elk hair caddis. We didn't have any legitimate rises in the morning, but that didn't stop the fish from attacking the dries. The top water action lived up to the hype.
Unfortunately they were scheduled to generate that afternoon and we had to get back anyhow, so we didn't get to fish that afternoon.
All the fish we caught were in extremely good shape. Looked like footballs and fought like bulls. Can't wait to get back out there whenever I can get away. Thanks, once again, for all the advice and assistance.
Thanks for the pics and the report, Austin, and congrats on some great fishing!