Andros Island Photo Essay - May 2006
Andros Town Airport.
Ricardo and John headed to the flats!
Another nice bonefish caught in the Behring Point Area.
Honore hooked-up and losing line in a hurry!
Big Charlie and Honore on the flats in Andros!
The accommodations at Mount Pleasant.
We ate lots of conch–conch fritters, conch chowder, fried conch….
The starfish really stood out on the white sand flats.
Hooked-up on the west side!
Solid west side bone!
Neon blue tail and little mirrors for scales–it’s hard to make out the jet engine on a bonefish’s tail, but I promise it’s there!
20k worth of gear?
Underwater shot of the ghost of the flats.
It’s okay, Steve, you caught a big one too!
Clark and Honore taking a break in the shade at White Bight.
Deon ready for action!
Nice bone!
Unfortunately, a lemon shark got to this bonefish before I could!
Looking for tarpon on the west side!
Big Charlie gasing up the boat at the end of the day.
Ian with one of the last bonefish of the trip!
The end of the line! Enjoying a Kalik at the end of a long day on the flats at Big Charlie’s! The week went by way too fast, and I can’t get back to Andros soon enough! Michael