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Category_redfish, Category_Saltwater -

Let me start by saying that the Louisiana marsh was on fire with fish! Saw plenty of pigs in the 20-30 pound range, but they were rather spooky. Conditions were kind of tough the first few days with the wind and clouds, but it cleared out and the fishing was great the last two days. Each day we caught between 15-25 fish. The real kicker was that we only caught one fish under ten pounds. Even though I've never been bonefishing, the redfishing down there would probably be the complete opposite. It took me a while to figure out how...

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Category_redfish, Category_Saltwater -

Here are some pics from our last week in Corpus Christi. We put in at the Padre Island National Seashore and ran down the inter-coastal to an area called the Landcut. The tide was ripping through the cut because of offshore tropical storms, but we were still able to get out and find some fish. They weren't as concentrated as they have been in years past because of the unusual high waters, but casting to tails and wakes was the reward that came from our marathon wades. The redfish we found in shallow water were spooky, yet they were more...

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Category_redfish, Category_Saltwater -

Despite the oil worries in the Gulf of Mexico the red fishing in south Louisiana was really quite good on our trip May 5th through May 8th. The flies of choice were #2 white and chartreuse Clouser Minnows and gold spoon flies. By the way, the food was pretty good too! Randy G.

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Category_Saltwater -

Our buddy Matt Bruton just got back from Puerto Rico, and he sent us this pic and report.On the south west end of the island there are some huge, expansive flats that back up into some mangrove bays. I hired a guide one day and told him I would like to try to catch a tarpon on a fly rod. He asked, "Just one?" He took me to a back bay and proceeded to show me tarpon after tarpon after tarpon. I caught three and jumped eight. I only had a ten weight expecting only babies. I broke some off...

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Category_Saltwater, Category_Trips -

posted in Saltwater on Mon, April 13, 2009BonefishGiant TrevallyMilkfishYellowfin TrevallyPicasso TriggerfishBluefin TrevallyMore to come...

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